my hobby

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Word puzzles my hobby

Everone has a hobby in his life time. My hobby is joining word puzzles. My first birthday present when I was in primary school at the age of eight my father brought me a cartoon word puzzles of 100 pieces of Tom and Jerry and I ask me to fix with a little help from them. After school and after my lunch and school works i will start to fix the puzzles, it takes me half a month to finish my frist word puzzles. I started to presuade my parent to buy me another one. This time they brought me snow white and seven dwaft.

When I started to works and with my first salary I spent most of the money shopping in big complex in night market and in shopping street buying beautiful word puzzles and fixed them when I am free. Today i had already fixed more then a thousand word puzzles. I will frame the puzzles and hanged up in the room, hall and even in kitchen. Some I present to friends and relatives on house warming and most of them I sell it with beautiful design frame to people so to cover the cost for my hobby.


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